One of the reasons why people hesitate to undergo chiropractic care is because of a common myth that chiropractors do not have significant training.
The truth is, becoming a Denver chiropractor requires a lot of preparation. Overall, it usually takes about eight years of education and training before a license is acquired! In fact, according to the American Chiropractic Association, the average program for chiropractors comprises as many classroom hours as a platform for medical doctors.
Chiropractic professionals are usually holders of pre-med degrees or have completed courses in the sciences such as Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, and Physics. Aspiring professionals also complete the Chiropractic graduate program that commonly involves more than 4,000 instructional hours in course credits.
After completing the educational and training requirements, aspiring chiropractors sit for the state licensing board. Upon passing the exam/s, they will become Doctors of Chiropractic. Thereafter, they receive additional training and certification in different specialties, including sports medicine, acupuncture, rehabilitation and nutrition.
All these requirements for chiropractic practice guarantee patients of a highly skilled and well-trained chiropractic professional.
Here’s the truth for the uninitiated: chiropractic care is actually centered on spinal manipulation. Every Denver chiropractor is expected to have had in-depth study on the spinal structure and how each component is associated with the body’s function. The majority of chiropractic work involves “adjusting” to heal lower back pain, neck pain, and whiplash-related conditions. Services usually include postural analysis and testing, as well as others designed to promote nutrition and exercises.
An important question is, does this really work?
The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health in the United States indicated that chiropractic therapy is most commonly used for back pain. An estimated 74 percent of Americans with such pain have utilized chiropractic care at some point in their treatment.
Like other forms of treatment, this type of therapy will not benefit all injuries. The sessions should be aligned to a patient’s needs and must be performed by a licensed chiropractor. In a 2018 review, the authors concluded that chiropractic methods were “viable” routes for pain management after investigating its effect on chronic lower back pain.
The American College of Physicians likewise recommended that those with lower back pain use different non-pharmacological methods, including spinal manipulation. Though chiropractic therapy is a legitimate way of healing certain discomfort, researchers mostly recommend additional studies to further determine the ideal length and frequency of the sessions and identify the injuries that may benefit from specific chiropractic treatments.
Our Denver chiropractor team at FIT Wellness Center performs the work with the principles of correction and prevention in mind. As educated and highly trained practitioners, we correct and prevent future health-related problems, educate patients and provide them with professional care.
Call FIT Chiropractic & Wellness Center in Broomfield at 303-469-0353 today or schedule an appointment with us!